How We Help

In-home aged care can give you support with some of the day-to-day things may be finding difficult.

For some people this help might be for a short time, whilst recovering from illness or injury. For others, it could be for the longer term and may be through a Home Care Package. Either way, our qualified and friendly team are here to make things easier for you to continue living at home, with the familiarity of your neighbours, friends and local services .

We can and do support people all over the Central Coast and in Northern Sydney.

If you're finding things more difficult to manage around the home, our practical support can help you stay living safely in your own home and neighbourhood.

How do we support people?

We support people all over the Central Coast and in Northern Sydney with:

  • Home Care Packages - Level 1, 2 3 and 4
  • Household chores - cleaning, vacuuming, laundry, meal preparation, shopping
  • Lawn mowing - garden maintenance and yard tidies
  • Respite - to give carers a break (from as little as an hour)
  • Personal Care - showering, dressing, grooming, using the bathroom
  • Linen - a regular fresh supply of sheets and towels - delivered to your door
  • Welcome Home from Hospital - supported and safe transition post hospital stay
  • In-home Nursing - health monitoring, assessments, medication management, wound care, post-hospital care etc
  • Social Support and Wellbeing Activities - one-on-one or in a group to enjoy the company of others
  • Connect with Tech - one-on-one support to help you get the best out of your iPad or smartphone to get and stay connected with family, friends and the world
  • Allied Health - our qualified physiotherapists and occupational therapists provide in-home assessments, appointments and therapy
  • Home Maintenance - our qualified tradesmen can fix doors, gates, locks, floors, electrical issues, plumbing issues and more to keep you safe
  • Home Modifications - ramps for easier access and grab rails to help you move around your home, bathroom modifications to reduce falls risks etc
  • Out of Hospital Programs: ComPacks , Safe and Supported at Home and End of Life

Our trained and experienced staff are fully insured, have current aged care police checks and you can be assured of the highest level of confidentiality and service.

If you're 65 or over, please contact My Aged Care on 1800 200 422 or to check your eligibility for subsidised support and to access a Home Care Service in Central Coast.

If you're under 65, please contact The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) on 1800 800 110 or visit

Please call us on 1300 578 478 to see how we can help you live your best life.

Our building services are fully certified and accredited to ISO9001 with the International Organisation of Standardisation which means you can be assured that our work is of the highest standard.

Our team of tradesmen include builders, plumbers, electricians and welders.

Our team members:

  • are fully insured and police checked
  • carry photo identification to give you peace of mind
  • understand the sensitivities involved when working with and around vulnerable people
  • operate under Work Health and Safety guidelines
  • are all Work Health and Safety (WHS) certified
  • undertake work in accordance with the National Building Code and Australian Standards such as AS1428 for disabled access
  • will undertake risk assessments and prepare safe work method statements before commencing work.

Adssi's qualified team of tradesmen can professionally renovate your kitchen or bathroom.

We can install handrails, ramps, stairs, internal/external lifts, and build carports, pergolas and decks. We can install storm water drains and pits to remove puddles and muddy lawns, or just a simple thing like install a sensor light so you can see better at night and improve your safety.

We provide a complete service from start to finish.

You can do this quick ‘Safety Audit’ to identify any issues around your home Adssi Safety Audit Flyer A4 2019

Call us today for a no obligation quote 1300 578 478.

If you are a carer who provides significant levels of care and support to someone who has a disability, a chronic health condition or who is frail aged, our respite services can give you a break from your caring responsibilities.  

We can temporarily and regularly take over the caring role giving for a few hours, a full day or longer – so you can to attend to your own health or personal needs, or simply to recharge your batteries. For your peace of mind, our community support workers have Aged Care qualifications, are fully insured, police checked and carry identification.

We also provide 3 and 4 night getaways for carers and the people they care for. Enjoy comfortable accommodation, great food and beautiful surroundings along with qualified staff, activities, movies, games, themed events and more.

Our registered and qualified Occupational Therapists provide in-home assessments with the aim of improving your safety and independence both at home and in the community.

Our physiotherapists specialise in aged related conditions and can provide an in-home service to help you recover from illness or injury, improve movement and stability and confidence.

The home assessment is comprehensive and will identify risks and hazards that may compromise your safety or independence.

We will discuss what challenges you or the person you care for may be having with simple day to day activities. It may be that you are starting to have difficulty getting out of bed or out of a chair, or that you are worried about having a fall. We can take a proactive approach with you and work out a program designed to help avoid a fall.

The Occupational Therapist will make their recommendations in consultation with you and/or your carer. This might be assistive equipment or a simple grab rail modification in the bathroom or toilet. More complex recommendations may be required such as a bathroom modification to reduce the risk of an accident. Adssi’s Building Services team can quote to carry out the recommended modifications.

Click here for more on our Occupational Therapy services.


People often need some extra support after a stay in hospital. Our Welcome Home from Hospital service is designed to reduce stress and promote the best recovery possible by doing those things around the house that you might find difficult or tiring after an illness or surgery.

Choose from a variety of services before your hospital visit, or we can assess you in hospital to see how you are feeling and to put the right services in place to get you home safely and as soon as possible.

We can help you with:

  • transport home from hospital and to and from appointments, shopping and social activities
  • personal care such as showering, grooming and dressing
  • cleaning, laundry, food preparation and garden care
  • health care including medication management and wound care, occupational therapy assessments and support and foot care
  • short term case management which could link you into government funded and community based services to support your needs (depending on your eligibility) or simply help you fill in forms, arrange appointments and assess what services are right for you

From one hour to overnight, our Welcome Home from Hospital program can help you get back on your feet. We have highly skilled staff to meet your support needs and are committed to providing services that suit you and enables your quick recovery.

Personal care includes all the things that we usually do for ourselves such as

  • Showering;
  • Grooming;
  • Getting dressed or undressed;
  • Using the bathroom.

These activities may have become more difficult for you or your loved one, or perhaps you need a bit of help after an illness, injury or a stay in hospital. Our trained and caring staff can help you with your personal care needs in a way that respects your dignity.

Our qualified allied health team (Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists) may be able to assist during your recovery by re-enabling you to do these every day tasks again.

Sometimes life gets a bit too much and we need someone else to help carry the load.

The goal of case management is to promote and support independence and self-sufficiency. Our qualified and accredited case managers offer short term, periodic or longer term services to help you to coordinate a range of services to help you or a loved one to continue to live well in the community.  

The case manager will assess you and your individual circumstances and needs and recommend appropriate services and goal focused strategies.

Contact Adssi by email or phone 1300 578 478 for a free, no obligation quote, or to have a conversation about what you might need and how we might find the right solution for you.

The Short Term Restorative Care Program offers eligible older people a short term program to assist them to regain as much independence as possible to help them to continue living at home.
It is a goal orientated, time limited (8 weeks/56 days) program which provides access to therapy which is focused on wellness and restoring independence.
Short Term Restorative Care is delivered by a care team of at least 3 health professionals, one of which must be a doctor (usually your GP). Adssi will coordinate services by the care team.

How do you know if Short Term Restorative Care is right for you?
You need to:

  • Be an older person and have had a recent decline
    in your ability to manage daily activities (not linked
    to a recent hospital admission).
  • Be able to benefit from a health program that will
    help you improve your daily function and restore
    your independence as much as possible.
  • Have been recently assessed by the Aged Care
    Assessment Team (ACAT).
  • Be prepared to fully commit to developing goals
    and participate in the Short Term Restorative Care
    program to achieve these.
  • Have not received a recent Transitional Care
    Package or have a Home Care Package.

For more information on STRC Programs, visit
or phone 1800 200 422, Monday–Friday 8am–8pm and Saturday 10am–2pm.

Our kind and caring registered nurses can help you with nursing assessments, chronic conditions, health monitoring, medication, wound management, post hospital care and more.

Physical, emotional and mental wellbeing is important for our overall health. We have a range of programs delivered by trained and caring professionals, including:

  • Falls Prevention - building confidence and strength to stay on your feet
  • Active At Home - safe and gentle exercise in the comfort of your home
  • Active @ Adssi - safe, group based exercise delivered by an exercise physiologist
  • Connect with Tech - our tech mentors can help you get the most of your technology so you can remain connected to friends, family and the world.
  • Getaways at Camp Breakaway - for carers and the person they care for

Remaining socially connected is good for our mental and physical health. We can provide one-on-one social support (go to the library, the shops, walk around the block, a drive to the beach, a coffee etc) or join our groups and enjoy the company of others on an outing to a movie, a concert, lunch etc. 

Technology is part of many people's everyday life now. Our Connect With Tech program can help you get and stay online safely and securely, keeping you connected with your family, friends and the world.

Our trained Tech Mentors can provide one-on-one help to use your iPad or smartphone, for the things you need to do - e.g. set up an email address, take and share photos, read the news, search the internet, online shopping for groceries etc.

If you don't have an iPad, we can supply one (small charge) to eligible clients. 

From time-to-time we run 'Tea & Technology' events, with trained staff who can help you in a group setting.

Watch this short video of 85 year old Dawn, who has embraced technology and joined our online garden club!


ComPacks is a short term package of home care services that can support you at home after a hospital stay.

ComPacks is available for up to six weeks following discharge from hospital. A Case Manager will develop a care plan with you and arrange services to be delivered in your home.

People of any age who need case management and home care services to manage at home following a hospital stay.

Referrals are made by delegated health staff when an individual is in hospital. These may include:
• Nurses
• Social Workers
• Occupational Therapists/Physiotherapists
• Discharge Planner

When you are referred to ComPacks you are allocated a Case Manager who will be your key contact during the package. The Case Manager will arrange services to help you at home.

ComPacks Services

These may include:
Personal care – assistance with bathing, oral care, dressing, hygiene, grooming and monitoring medication.
Domestic assistance – house cleaning, vacuuming, mopping, laundry and shopping.
Meals – meals delivered to your home or meal preparation.
Transport – for medical and other appointments.
Social support – accompaniment to: appointments, shopping or other tasks.
In home respite care – support for carers

How much does ComPacks cost?
You will be asked to make a contribution of up to $10 per week towards your package. If you have any concerns regarding your contribution, please discuss this with your Case Manager.

What happens when ComPacks finishes?
If you have ongoing needs the Case Manager can link you with services that can assist you further. This may include: a referral to a disability advocacy service if you are aged under 65 years or a referral to My Aged Care if you are aged 65 years and over.

Safe and Supported at Home (SASH)

A SASH Package can offer medium term home care services to assist you at home while supporting you to access long term supports through the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), My Aged Care or other pathways.

A SASH package is available for up to six weeks at a time. The SASH Case Manager will work with you to monitor your ongoing needs. Packages can be repeated if you are assessed as requiring additional support.

Who is eligible for SASH?
You are eligible for SASH if you are aged between 18 – 64 years and have:
• physical, sensory or psycho-social disabilities that impact your daily activities,
• limited or no informal supports,
• started the NDIS application process and have received a reference number or
• had your application to NDIS rejected and need home care support while reapplying for the NDIS or appealing an access decision.

Getting a SASH referral
Referrals can be made by Health staff when you are in hospital or when you are receiving out-patient or community health services.
These staff include:
• Nurses
• Occupational Therapists / Physiotherapists
• Social Workers

SASH Services
When you are referred to SASH, you are allocated a Case Manager who will be your key contact throughout the program.
The Case Manager will meet with you to discuss your needs and arrange services such as:
Personal care – assistance with bathing, oral care, hygiene, dressing, grooming and monitoring medication.
Domestic assistance – house cleaning, vacuuming, mopping, laundry and shopping.
Meals – meals delivered to your home or meal preparation.
Transport – for medical and other appointments.
Social support – accompaniment to: appointments, shopping and paying bills.
In home respite care – support for carers.

How much does SASH cost?
You will be asked to contribute up to $10.00 per week towards your SASH package. If you have any concerns regarding this payment, please discuss this with your SASH Case Manager.

What happens when SASH finishes?
Before the SASH package finishes, the Case Manager will:
• Assist you with your transition to ongoing services delivered via the NDIS or My Aged Care.
• Provide you with information if you wish to engage services yourself at a later date.

End of Life - Palliative Care Packages

These are short term packages of non clinical home care for people nearing the end of their lives. The packages can assist patients to remain at home for as long as possible. The packages can also provide support to families and carers.
A package can be available for up to six weeks at a time. Your Case Manager will work with you and your family/carer to monitor your ongoing needs. Packages may be repeated if you require additional support.

Who is eligible?
A person who is nearing the end of their life who:
• needs home care services to manage at home for as long as possible,
• has a carer or family members who require home care services to help care for a person at home for as long as possible.
**While the OHC packages are available to people of all ages these do not generally deliver direct care to children. Instead the packages can support parents or other care givers who are providing the child with care.

Getting a Referral
Referrals can be made when you are a patient in hospital or when you are receiving out-patient or community health services. Staff who can refer include:
• Nurses
• Occupational Therapists/Physiotherapists
• Social Workers

When receiving a package you are allocated your own Case Manager who is the key contact for you and your family or carer.
The Case Manager will develop a care plan with you and arrange services to be provided in your home. These services may include:
Personal care – assistance with bathing, oral care, hygiene, dressing and grooming.
Domestic assistance – house cleaning, vacuuming, mopping, laundry and shopping.
Meals – meal preparation or pre prepared meals.
Transport – for medical and other appointments.
Social support – accompaniment to: appointments, shopping and paying bills.
In home respite care – support for families and carers.

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